Tankers and pipelines
There are a few twitter accounts pushing tankers and piplines and today they’re going all out with the information. I’m all for progress, but if it’s so safe and economically sound, why are they fudging the figures?
Like this one. On the left is the tweet showing the many many more tankers in Norway than in BC. 25 seconds on Google Maps and I’ve got the 2 maps to the same scale on the right. Also, Norway is a lot of open ocean, BC is a lot of narrow passages.
If this is so safe, why are they fudging the maps to make it look like this?
It reminds me of these maps.
Then they tweeted this:
That’s a great point, why aren’t we selling to Japan? Wait a minute, 2012, did Japan have any reason to increase the amount of natural gas they use? Something about a recent earthquake shutting down 11 nuclear reactors?
Now Japan only pays about 3 times the US. Which could be due to the fact the US has natural gas and Japan doesn’t. Then there’s the cost of moving the gas. I’m guessing getting it across the 49th parallel is easier than the Pacific.
So with all these tweets how about using real numbers and comparing like with like. Use maps that are to scale and don’t have mysterious disappearing islands. This isn’t Lost you know. And use current figures and projected figures for the future, not a historical jump that was due to a massive earthquake.
If for no other reason than this, I would oppose the pipeline and the tankers. If you have to lie about it then there’s probably a whole lot more going on that you can’t fudge the numbers for and are keeping quiet.
Pegasus 13
Apollo Pegasus 13
So tomorrow is Friday 13th. And a full moon. And I’m taking trainees sailing for the weekend. With small craft warnings for the up to 25 knot winds. We’re taking a small craft.
It’s going to be a fun weekend.
Bike is back on the road
The weather’s getting better so it’s time to put the bike back on the road. Oh motorbike, how I’ve missed you.
Hotwire a car
It turns out that I can do this. Given a car that breaks down and they key won’t turn because the ignition switch is busted I can hotwire it. With a lot of tools, swearing and about two hours. Life of crime here I come.
Fool me once…
This morning I came in from a run and made myself a coffee. OK, more truthfully I came in from a walk / slow jog and made myself a coffee. And spat it out.
Thinking that maybe there was some residue in the mug from the dishwasher I got another mug, checked it was clean and made more coffee. And spat it out.
Mug number 3 I used sugar straight from the bag instead of the bowl. Success. Strange though, I didn’t think sugar went off? Anyone hear of this happening before? Other than magically transforming into alcohol (which is welcome in my coffee) sugar stays as sugar.
Sat down at my computer and the keyboard was unplugged. I plugged it back in, thinking nothing of it. I unplug stuff all the time for memory sticks, chargers and whatever. Also as it has a view of outside, both the cats find my desk and laptop to be excellent sleeping spots so maybe they unplugged it. Hey, go easy here, I’m still starting my 1st 2nd 3rd or whatever mug of coffee of the day.
I move my mouse and not a whole lot happens. Fine, this one can need to be turned off and on again as the battery probably needs to be changed. Turned it over and found tape on the bottom covering the laser.
It’s April first. Good ones Hoefer.
Job Hunting
I’m looking for some contract IT work for the next year. I’m a Systems Administrator and IT Manager with 15 years experience, a degree in Computer Applications and a lot of industry certifications. My LinkedIn profile has a lot more information on this and you can see it here :
If you know of anyone looking for a short term (1 year or less) person, please let me know. There are a lot of projects at the moment upgrading from Windows XP to Windows 7 or 8.1, or bringing servers up to 2012 and virtualizing them and this is what I’ve been doing quite a lot of in the last few years.
You can see my contact details on the Contact page of this blog.
I sold TekBusters on January first and changed from entrepreneur (which I can never spell without a spell checker) to being retired. Yay.
It’s now March so I’ve changed from being retired to being semi unemployed. I’m currently working at some web design and SEO as well as some consulting but really it’s time to get back to work. Day time tv would drive any one crazy. I swear, if I see one more make over….
Of mice and cats
Nicole made me a mouse over Christmas but I left before she could give it to me. So she posted it over, with a second bonus mouse for Ursula so we wouldn’t fight over them. She forgot we had cats…
“I am looking for a cat with six claws on it’s right paw”
“Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You ate my father. Prepare to die.”
“You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders – The most famous of which is “never get involved in a land war in Asia” – but only slightly less well-known is this: “Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line”
The recession isn’t over yet
How do I know? Well I was looking for an email this morning and though Google might have flagged it as spam. 800 spam messages there and not one offering me dodgy relations with a donkey, an opportunity to invest in my Nigerian uncle’s oil farm or a magic pill to move all the weight from my arse to my dick.
Nope, 800 messages offering me a job. Seems that’s all people are searching for now
We’ll fix your washing machine
Well not me. I can barely use the thing. But my brother Michael will. If you live in Ireland. In Monaghan, Cavan, Meath or Louth. Which may make the title of this post a little misleading. But he’ll fix your washing machine. If it’s broken. Or your oven. All I did was start up a new website for him. It’s here at